High Priestess of Adjua Luna

How long was I sleeping? What time is it?

Time isn’t real.

What’s that smell?

Cinnamon, lavender, and bay leaves. I burned an offering while you were sleeping.

Have I been drugged?

Haha! I’m not sure if I should be offended or flattered at the suggestion, but no. You were tired. You got comfortable and fell asleep.

Am I safe?

Yes, of course you are. But let me guess, you feel safe, but you’re not sure it’s safe to feel safe alone with a stranger like this, so you’re a little bit on edge, but also a little bit aroused because my burnt offering smells so yummy. So you can’t decide if you want to run out of here or melt into the mattress.

That’s… an eerily accurate description.

Welcome to the Temple of Adjua Luna. Right now you are hanging halfway between the solid world and the world of spirits, which is to say that you’re slightly closer to your own divinity than usual. This is a little disconcerting at first, but you’ll get used to it if you stay long enough.

My own divinity?

You are divine. But isn’t that why you’re here? Didn’t you come here to meet yourself?

To meet…myself? I’m pretty sure that’s not why–

Well then I’m being presumptuous, and I apologize. Tell me, traveler, why you are here?

I can’t think clearly right now.

A symptom of ascension is a change in perspective so radical that it feels foreign. But I promise you that your mind is your own. As is your underwear.


I was messing with you before.

Why would you do that?

Because it was funny. Also because you were “one hundred percent sure,” just as you were probably one hundred percent sure of the contents of your mind until I asked you why you were here, and now you don’t know. But now you know that you don’t know. Now you’re viscerally aware of all the conflicting urges that can occur in a single moment. Welcome to yourself.

And you’re sure I’m not drugged? There’s nothing in the air?

Cinnamon, bay leaves, and lavender, like I said.

And you’re not drugged either?

Haha! That I won’t promise. But it’s irrelevant. It’s not me you don’t trust. As a matter of fact, let me get you a cup of coffee.

Are there–

Are there drugs in the coffee? Yes.


Nothing crazy. Just CBD. And caffeine, obviously.

…ok I’ll have some coffee.

Good! While it’s brewing, do you want to hear how I died?

How you died? Yes, I’d like to hear that.

Okay, just give me a minute to put the coffee on. I’ll be right back.