Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: Akashic Records, long hair, and bitcoin

I’ve recently read two books on accessing the Akashic Records, and attempted to do so today, twice.

The first time was in the shower, while I was doing my glamour ritual. I didn’t ask any particular question, so the records showed me the present moment. Me in the shower. Except with looooooong hair.

The second time was about an hour after the shower, and this time I asked a specific question regarding how to proceed with the story I’m writing.

Since April 1 I’ve been going live on facebook to sing a benediction, and I added my pay links in the description in case anyone wanted to tip me. Nicholas from Pittsburgh (currently in Brooklyn) yesterday sent me a link to download cashapp, which I’d been resisting downloading up until now. But I went ahead and downloaded it. About six hours ago I did my first live with my cashapp handle posted, and shortly after I got my first cashapp tip of $10 from Joi from Brooklyn (currently wherever she is, but probably still Brooklyn).

The answer I got from the records regarding how to proceed with my story was bitcoin (!!!) which happens to be a thing cashapp makes it easy to invest in, so I went ahead and invested my first $10. They told me to invest all the cashapp tips I make for the next 38 days. Why 38? That number has been following me around for the last few weeks. It’s like every time I look at the clock, it’s 5:38 or 9:38 or Something:38. According to Joanne, the numbers 3 and 8 resonate with the Ascended Masters and wealth manifestation respectively, which makes me think it’s applicable here. Also, (and this is the tidbit that made me think this was worth chronicling), 38 days from now is May 25, which is the day before the full moon in Sagittarius.

I would usually find investment scary, especially without a broker. Here’s why it isn’t: the records showed me an image of the rum on my protection altar, which, after it has been offered to my protection spirits, gets turned into vinegar. The metaphor is imperfect, but the meaning is pretty clear to me.

That being said, I just checked on the progress. Yes, it’s only been there about three hours. I’ve lost about fifteen cents. I’m ok with it.

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: Psalms update

I’m proud to report that I now have 110 out of 150 Psalms up.

The thing is, it isn’t just the Psalms. I’ve also been adding spells from Anna Riva’s Powers of the Psalms, and those can’t be copied and pasted; they have to be typed out by hand. And when I’m done with that book, I’m going to start on Godfrey Selig’s Secrets of the Psalms. It’s a whole Psalm-spell database I’m creating here, in addition to the gender translation.

Actually, before I move on to the next book, I’m going to create a pdf file of just the gender translated Psalms. I’m considering copyrighting it so that nobody else can sell it, but I’m going to give it away in all the Facebook groups for witches and hoodoo practitioners.

Because this is a thing that needs to exist in the world, and people need to have it.

Because this is my contribution to the Divine Feminine revolution.

I still don’t know what I’m going to call it. I haven’t put much thought into that.

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: Smudge inventory

Today I made three smudges: one with rosemary, basil, and cinnamon; one with rosemary, lavender, and cinnamon; and one with just basil and cinnamon.

It’s unusual that I make a smudge with lavender. It’s easy to get in the springtime, but otherwise, it’s rare. I have a lavender plant, but I’ll only cut one of the branches for a smudge if all the leaves on that branch are already dead. That was the case, and so I made a lavender smudge.

That makes a total of 1.5 “special” smudges I currently have, the .5 being the vanilla smudge I half burned around the new moon. I have more vanilla, and so could theoretically make another vanilla smudge, but it’s so expensive that I want to use it for something else first before I burn it.

The rosemary and basil are from the grocery. I have a rosemary plant, but it’s tiny and has only one branch. It amazes me that it’s still alive, as this is my fourth attempt in less than two years to grow a rosemary plant. I gave up on the basil more than a year ago. Adjua Luna’s Temple will have an herb garden, but in that parallel universe, I’m a reliably good gardener. In that universe I cut branches from blissful, thriving plants to make my smudges without ever having a need to worry for the health of the plant.

The cinnamon will probably always be from the grocery. I’m not going to grow cinnamon.

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: African Traditional Religion

First of all, I’m happy to report that Chani Nicholas seems to be going back to weekly horoscopes after a couple years of only the full and new moons. Yay!

That being said, I got her horoscope for the week the day before yesterday. The first sentence of the entry for my rising sign was “It’s time to let go of the daily roles and rituals that are untenable, undeniably outdated, or ready for a reboot” … which made me immediately look at the rum and coffee on my living room altar. Some months (or maybe a year, bc what even is time???) ago I started leaving coffee and rum on the altar for Papa Legba because I read it in a book about serving the loa. It was my way of maintaining a connection to the ATR spiritual realm.

Now I’m wondering if it’s necessary.

My relationship with ATRs (African Traditional Religions) is that I have no relationship with ATRs. But I know that the witchdoctor was at my grandmother’s funeral in Ghana. One of my cousins pointed him out and said “That’s the witchdoctor.” I never did find out what his relationship to the family was, considering my family, at least as much as I know of it, is very very Christian.

There were a few years when I considered making a pilgrimage to Ghana independent of my family, and purposefully seeking out somebody to teach me about the ancestral religions. I wouldn’t even know how to begin planning such a pilgrimage, or where to find an appropriate and trustworthy teacher.

My practice now is not an ATR. That’s fine, in part because I am not a Traditional African (if that’s even a thing). I’m starting to think it might be appropriate to offer those offerings to Adjua Luna rather than to the loa or the orishas.

At least, the coffee.

When my minister went out for groceries yesterday, he came back without rum, because we both forgot that liquor stores are closed on Sundays. (Actually, we both didn’t realize it was Sunday. Because what even is time anyway?) Which means I may soon run out of rum. Maybe that’s a sign that I should offer up the rum until I have no more, and then only offer the coffee.

Tangentially, the coffee I offer her is phenomenal. Like, I don’t even have an affiliate link; I just want you to know about this black owned coffee shop.

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: Pecans and coffee

I’ve been awake for two or three hours now.

I’ve had broth and my pills, but not coffee or food. I’ve just been scrolling facebook. Not doomscrolling. I don’t do that. But inspo-scrolling. Primarily in groups where I seem to have become the grown up. It’s almost too easy to forget that I’m the high priestess when I haven’t done my daily duties. I haven’t smudged or laid out offerings. There’s a candle holder full of old wax waiting for me to melt into new candles. I literally haven’t eaten yet.

My minister has gone out to the grocery store. I was going to go with him, but he decided it would lower the plague risk if I didn’t. The numbers are always rising. There’s a new strain, I’m told. The house isn’t devoid of food, though. I could make a sandwich if inertia weren’t preventing that. I could have some pecans, which were purchased and blessed for just such an occasion. I could have some coffee. It’s literally just sitting on the table.

I don’t always know when I’m anxious, in the same way that I don’t always know when I’m hungry. But usually I can recognize when I’m displaying anxious or hungry behavior, and it would probably be helpful for me to pour myself a cup of coffee and eat a handful of pecans.

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: A visit from Money and Pleasure

I felt drawn to the basil-cinnamon smudge today. I felt drawn to the Money deity from that course I took with Carolyn last year. Adjua Luna doesn’t mind that. She’s friendly with all deities. Some days ago I bargained with her. Bargained is the wrong word. I “talked back” to her? Regardless, I demanded a small monetary win, just big enough and direct enough to be obvious that it was from her. I got my response in the form of an unexpected $20-ish royalty check.

I’m still not sure how to talk about my money situation. I don’t know if I should actively manifest with my words, or if I should describe what I see. This was a problem when this blog was private, and even more so now that it’s public. Maybe that’s not the point. Maybe money and how I choose to talk about it isn’t the point.

But if it’s not the point, why was I called to burn the basil today? Why was I drawn to her today?

I’ve also burned the last of the Jupiter-Saturn candle. It burned down to the clip, but left a blue and black cliff on one side of the candle holder. I removed the clip and stuck in a vanilla votive, which has melted into an ivory-blue-black melange of colors, scents, and intentions. The complicated dance between expansion (Jupiter energy) and structure (Saturn energy), leaves cliffs and cracks for the softness of the vanilla (feminine energy) to smooth over. This was after I was admonished by the god of Pleasure for ignoring her even for one day. She held a hand against my throat and whispered cruelty into my face as she sometimes does. I only notice her when she’s direct. It was she who wanted the vanilla candle.

So what’s next after a sign and an admonishment but to do the thing I’ve been called to do?

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: The Beginning

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John 1:1 KJV

This is my first public post in this journal.

It feels a bit strange to call it the “beginning” since once I’m done typing here, I’m going to go back through my private entries and decide which ones to publicize, thereby making this not at all the beginning. And yet here we are, at the beginning, which is not the beginning, because the beginning is never the beginning.

Image from

Today is the new moon in Capricorn.

Less than an hour ago, at 12:03am (the moment of the new moon) I attempted to burn seven bay leaves at the altar in my office. I say “attempted” as though I didn’t succeed; I did burn all seven bay leaves but with great difficulty. It was frustrating, and now I have a headache. That is to say, the headache I woke up with (three hours ago, because Quarantine Schedule) has intensified. There are a few more things I want to do in honor of the new moon, but at the moment I’m slightly discouraged by the experience. I don’t believe it’s a bad omen, but I do believe it’s a sign that the next six months are going to be frustrating.

Update several hours later: – I found the source of my headache: dehydration. Meaning I’ll have to come up with a way to ritualize drinking water.

But! In the mean time, here’s what I did to honor the New Moon in Capricorn:

  • Publicized this blog. I still have yet to go back and publicize some of my previously private entries, but I’ll get to it soon.
  • Gave a proper introduction to my live prayer. Why wasn’t I doing that before? Who knows!
  • Smudged with the vanilla smudge stick. It’s actually rosemary, vanilla, and cinnamon. I had been keeping it for an occasion, and this was an occasion. It didn’t all burn up in one day, though, so I’ll burn some again tomorrow.
  • Lit two prayer candles, green and purple, at the altar in my living room. I managed to get them there about an hour before midnight (about an hour after waking up… because Quarantine Schedule). The green is for my personal gain, and the purple is for the spiritual and cultural revolution.
  • Lit the Jupiter-Saturn candle at the altar in my office. This will take a few days to burn, I’m sure. It looks like it’s burning pretty slowly. I also did some deep meditation on the trajectory of my Jupiter return year, and I’m pretty confident that I’m on the right path.
  • Burned seven bay leaves at exactly 12:03am. I don’t usually set rituals like this for the exact time of the astrological event, but this time it was convenient to do so.
  • Started on making vinegar. (I said I’d make vinegar last full moon, but I didn’t do it then; I’ve just done it now, during the 1/11 portal that was two days ago.) For some reason, this feels particularly significant, as though the time from the new moon in Capricorn to the full moon in Capricorn will be somehow defined by the fact that I’m right now making vinegar. But perhaps that’s one of those stories that’s best told in hindsight?
  • Made toner.
  • …and orange extract.
  • Black salt sweep (I did this a day late, but better late than never)

If this feels like a lot of extra stuff to honor the new moon, it definitely is. This new moon was not only the first of the calendar year, but it was also conjunct Pluto, which gives it much more weight with regards to beginnings and endings. Something significant is ending. Something significant is beginning. I am attempting to align with that energy and tap into that power.

Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: Radio drop

I just sent a radio drop to a local radio station in which I identified myself as the “high priestess of the one woman cult of Adjua Luna.” I didn’t explain what that meant, and somehow I imagine I won’t be asked, at least not soon. Actually, I probably will be asked. I’m getting my shit together slowly.

This feels new moon related. I don’t know if I’m ready to journal that yet. But the point is that my cult is now “out there.”