Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Bay leaves


  • Element: fire
  • Planet: sun
  • Deities: Apollo
  • Powers: protection, divination, psychic and dream work, wish magic and manifestation, banishing


Bay leaves are carriers for your magical intentions. Hold the bay leaf in your hands and channel your intention into it, or write the intention directly on the leaf with a sharpie. Use this to add intention to literally any spell or magical recipe (including food).

For a new moon ceremony, write the things you want to invite into your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.

For a full moon ceremony, write the things you want to release from your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.

Use with sage, cinnamon, or rosemary in a smudge for house blessing and protection.

To attract money, draw a money sigil or specific amount on a bay leaf and keep it in your wallet or purse, or in a mojo bag. If you’re a business owner, keep it in your cash register.

Sleep with a bay leaf under your pillow or drink bay leaf tea before going to bed to enhance your psychic abilities.

Make a mojo bag with a bay leaf, rosemary, and lavender and keep it under your pillow to assist dream recall.

Use in a bay leaf and cinnamon boil to add the elemental power of water to your manifestations.

Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Intention sticks


  • cinnamon (the kind for burning)
  • 3-10 bay leaves
  • baker’s twine or embroidery thread
  • (optional) basil, lavender, or any other herb that corresponds with your intention


Choose a number of bay leaves that corresponds with how long your cinnamon stick is. If it’s a short stick, only use three bay leaves. If it’s a long stick, you may be able to use 9 or 10 bay leaves.

Write your intentions on the bay leaves with a sharpie. You can write the same intention on each one, or you can vary them, but it will be more powerful if you keep them all at least thematically similar. Also, you can write your intentions in words, symbols, numbers, sigils, or however feels most powerful to you.

Boil the bay leaves in a pot of water for at least five minutes. (This is a good time to do a bay leaf and cinnamon boil but don’t use the same piece of cinnamon.)

Measure a piece of baker’s twine about the width of your arm span.

Align one of your wet bay leaves with the bottom of your dry cinnamon stick. Tie the bay leaf to the cinnamon with bakers twine, and wrap the twine tightly around both.

Continue wrapping the twine around the cinnamon stick, adding more bay leaves as you go up.

When you reach the top, work your way back down. Tie the two ends of the twine together at the bottom.

Set the intention stick to dry on a rack for 7-10 days or until the bay leaves are completely dry.


  • Hold one end of this stick over a candle and let the smoke carry your intentions into the spirit realm.
  • Leave it smoldering in a fire safe bowl or abalone shell while you meditate on your manifestations.
  • To make an offering to your spirits/deities/ancestors, write intentions like “gratitude” and “worship.” Hold this over a candle while you commune with your spirits.
  • For a love spell, use rose petals instead of bay leaves (if they’re fresh you won’t have to boil them first), and write the names and birthdays of the lovers on the rose petals.
  • For a money spell, write money sigils or the amount of money you need on the bay leaves and wrap the cinnamon in a basil leaf before adding the bay leaves.
  • For a protection spell, tie a rosemary branch to the base of the cinnamon and wrap the bay leaves around both. Use it like you would a smudge to bless and cleanse your house.
  • To manifest peace, tie a lavender branch to the base of the cinnamon and wrap the bay leaves around both. If you only have lavender leaves, wrap the bay leaves around the cinnamon stick and wrap the twine around both. When you get to the top, wrap the lavender leaves around the bay leaves and cinnamon, and wrap the twine around all three to work your way back down.

Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: God is Truth vinegar


  • Ouroboros vinegar (or white vinegar)
  • orange peels
  • three bay leaves


Write “truth,” “cleanse,” and “Psalm 51:6” on three bay leaves, add them to a mason jar with the orange peels, and 2/3 fill the jar with vinegar.

Heat up the mason jar in a pot of boiling water (or do a bay leaf cinnamon boil) for a few minutes, and then let it cool.


  • cleaning/energy cleansing rituals
  • add to a new moon ritual bath
  • any spell to bless the beginning (or renewal) of a project
  • any spell in which you want to compel someone to confess the truth
Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Come to me Moon Water


  • hot water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 7-10 star anise stars
  • 1 whole vanilla bean


Draw sigils/intentions on the bay leaves and add them to a mason jar with cinnamon, star anise, and vanilla beans. Add hot water. Leave on the window sill overnight on the full moon to charge.


  • use it as an ingredient in a come to me glamour spell or homemade cosmetics <= this is the one I plan to do
  • add honey and drink it like a tea either hot or cold before a performance or social event (if you plan to drink it, don’t write on the bay leaves)
  • rinse your hands with it before a performance or social event
  • make it with alcohol instead of water and spray it on yourself before a performance or social event
Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Herbal Leo Moon Water

Because I so rarely repeat a recipe exactly the way I did it last time, I’m making the executive decision to repost the recipe every time I change it. Because it’s my grimoire and I can do that shit. Also it helps to keep track of what worked and what didn’t. So with that said, here’s my herbal moon water recipe for the Leo moon.


  • mason jar
  • water
  • rosemary (dried)
  • chamomile
  • 3 bay leaves
  • sigil
  • coins


I taped my sigil to the bottom of the jar, facing inward. I wrote intentions on both sides of each bay leaf and added it to the jar, with the rosemary, chamomile, and coins.

I filled up the jar with water, capped it, and left it in an east facing window over the full moon in Leo.


  • add to glamour magic potions (<= this is the one I’m going to do)
  • dilute castile soap
  • add a spoonful to the water in a diffuser
  • bless/cleanse your witchy tools
  • use as a floor wash to bless your house
  • pour over your head as a spiritual bath

This is a full moon in Leo, so it’s particularly good for glamour magic, but it will also hold some of the influence of the sun/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius and the Uranus/Mars/Lilith conjunction in Taurus. Keep this in mind when deciding how to use your moon water.

Spell and Recipe Journal

Spell: Wealth and abundance


  • fresh basil
  • 3 bay leaves
  • cinnamon stick
  • money
  • hot water
  • jar


Add some amount of money, both bills and coins, to a jar. Make the amount of money add up to something numerologically significant, like your birthday (e.g. $6.09 if your birthday is June 9), or an angel number like $2.22.

Write your intentions (can be “money” or “wealth” or “abundance” or some such) on each of the bay leaves and add them to the jar. You can also use this sigil:

Add the basil and cinnamon and then fill up the jar with hot water and cover it. Leave it until it cools down, or let it sit overnight.

Strain the liquid into a different jar. Pour it over your head slowly while you’re taking a shower. While you’re pouring, repeat your favorite money mantra. If you don’t know any, you can use this one from the Psalms:

Wealth and riches shall be in her house: and her righteousness endureth for ever.

Psalm 112:13

…or you can use this one, also from the Psalms:

The queen shall joy in thy strength, O Lord; and in thy salvation how greatly shall she rejoice!

Thou hast given her her heart’s desire, and hast not withholden the request of her lips. Selah.

For thou preventest her with the blessings of goodness: thou settest a crown of pure gold on her head.

She asked life of thee, and thou gavest it her, even length of days for ever and ever.

Her glory is great in thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon her.

For thou hast made her most blessed for ever: thou hast made her exceeding glad with thy countenance.

For the queen trusteth in the Lord, and through the mercy of the most High she shall not be moved.

Psalm 21:1-7

There are many.

This spell can be done in conjunction with any glamour magick spell to amplify its results.

Spell and Recipe Journal

Spell: Bay leaf and cinnamon boil

I usually do this spell while I’m melting leftover wax to make new candles, but it can be done at any time for any reason.


  • water
  • 2-4 bay leaves
  • cinnamon stick


Write your intentions or draw your sigils onto the bay leaves. Add this, the cinnamon, and the $100 bill to a pot of water. If you need your intentions to manifest very quickly, also add ginger or black pepper. You may also add any other herbs that correspond with your intentions.

Set it to boil, and once it’s boiling, lower the flame. Let the mixture boil in an uncovered pot for at least fifteen minutes. Add more water when the pot starts to get low. Occasionally stir clockwise while chanting your intentions.

Either discard the water when you’re done, or keep it for some other purpose. (I wouldn’t drink it, but if you intend to drink it, don’t write anything on the bay leaves. Because you’d be drinking sharpie ink. Don’t do that.)

Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Herbal Moon Water


  • hot water
  • mason jar
  • rosemary (dried)
  • chamomile
  • lavender leaves
  • bay leaf
  • sigil


I added a handful of dried lavender leaves (the dead ones I picked off my plant), chamomile, and rosemary to a mason jar.

I wrote “abundance” (for Jupiter) on one side of the bay leaf and “protection” (for Saturn) on the other side and added that to the jar as well.

I filled the jar up with boiling water.

I covered the jar with wax paper, put a sigil over the wax paper, and then screwed on the lid.

I’ve left the jar in an east-facing window (because that’s what was available) over the full moon in Cancer. In a few days I’ll move it away from the window and put it on a shelf with all my other mason jars full of potions.


  • Add to glamour potions
  • dilute castille soap
  • drink as a tea while reciting an incantation
  • add a spoonful to a vaporizer
  • sprinkle over witchy tools while reciting an incantation to bless said tools
  • pour over your head as a spiritual bath
Astrology Journal Meditation Journal

Full Moon in Cancer

The perpetual black candle on the living room altar burned itself out shortly after I woke up, and I’ve replaced it with a blue candle for the full moon in Cancer.

Right now I’m making more candles out of leftover wax. I melt the wax by heating up the candle holder in a pot full of boiling water. I wrote “self love,” “power,” and “worship” on three bay leaves, and they are boiling in the pot. I thought about adding “money” and “protection” but as of now, I have not. Black candles are already for protection, and I’m still in deliberation with Money about what I want from her. Once I’m done, I’ll dry out the bay leaves and burn them.

So far I’ve made:

  • five black prayer candles for the living room altar. It’s a multi-step process to make these prayer candles, but today I’ve finished five.
  • a Jupiter-Saturn candle which is black on the bottom and blue on top. I meant to make such a candle for the Great Conjunction, but that’s already past, so I’ll maybe burn it on New Year’s or some similar occasion.
  • three tea candle/votive sized black candles because I had some still left over. Not sure what I’ll do with these, but I’m sure I’ll find a use for them. Also, I didn’t really have enough wax for them, so they’re a little lacking. But that might be exactly what I need later.
  • three love/self-love candles which are pink on the bottom and white vanilla on top. I had intended only to make one, but I had a looooot of wax. I’ll give one to Matt. I don’t know what I’ll do with the third one.

As I’m doing this, I’m thinking about this full moon, which will be at 10:28pm tomorrow (well…today, actually… I need to be less confusing with my naming days, but I’m actually up late, not up early). Astrologers are saying this is the first full moon in Cancer that’s free of negative aspects in Capricorn in about three years, but Pluto is still in Capricorn. It’s not a direct conjunction to this full moon, but it will be within 3 degrees conjunct on my lunar return, which will be on the 31st. I don’t think it will be a negative aspect though. I think it will be important. It might hurt, but it will be long term transformative.

Chani Nicholas’ advice to me in her 2021 horoscope email is “What you are used to sacrificing won’t actually help you get to where you need to go now.” [*] For me, that’s my home, personal comfort, and other Cancer moon things. This is the full moon of remembering what not to sacrifice. I’ve noticed that doing something for the house stresses me out less than doing something for the outside world. In fact, I’ve noticed that I can calm down my anxiety about outside-world-work by stopping and switching to candle making or some other such activity. Sometimes I think I should ignore other work altogether, but that feeling never lasts terribly long.

I’ve decided that I need to find a way to integrate Psalm 139 into my daily life, more than just reading it on facebook live. I read Psalm 91 twice per day; once on live and once in front of my living room altar when I do my offerings. I should similarly have Psalm 139 be a twice daily phenomenon. For one, it would familiarize me with the text enough that I won’t stumble through it anymore. For two, it’s an incredibly powerful and important text, which is why I’m reading it on live. If it’s important enough for live, it’s important enough for another daily reading as well.

Also, this full moon I’m attempting to make herbal moon water and apple scrap vinegar. The former because why the fuck not, and the latter… well for the same reason. But also, I use vinegar in a lot of things. If I’m able to make it out of apple scraps, 1. I’ll save a bit of money buying vinegar and 2. everything made with a witch’s hands increases the magical potency.

Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Thieves Vinegar

This is a personal, spirit-led variation on the traditional Thieves Vinegar, made on the new moon (and solar eclipse) in Sagittarius. By the full moon (in Cancer) it should be ready to use.


  • white vinegar
  • orange peel from 1 orange
  • rosemary (fresh, leftover from smudge making)
  • basil (some leftover from smudge making, some dried)
  • sage (left over from smudge making)
  • 7 bay leaves
  • worship sigil


Put orange peel, rosemary, basil, sage, and bay leaves into a jar. Fill the jar up with vinegar.

I’m considering adding cinnamon, but for now I will not.

In fact, as I’m typing this, it occurs to me that I can add my sigil to absorb some of the more chaotic energy. I covered the mouth of the jar with parchment paper before putting the lid on, and I can slip a sigil between the parchment paper and the lid.


  • cleaning
  • any banishing spell that requires vinegar