Astrology Journal Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Clove oil

I made this clove oil on the December solstice which was also the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. I used cloves left over from the last time I made clove oil.


  • Cloves (about a handful)
  • Almond oil
  • parchment paper
  • mason jar
  • sigil


Pour a handful of cloves into the mason jar. (I used the cloves leftover from the last time I made clove oil. They are still good.) Fill the jar up the rest of the way with almond oil. Cover the top of the jar with parchment paper. Use enough so that the paper covers the sides of the jar and stops light from shining through. Set (or draw) a sigil on top of the parchment paper, and then screw the lid on over it. Put the jar away for at least two moon cycles.

Astrology Journal Spell and Recipe Journal

Recipe: Holy Oil

I made this holy oil on the December Solstice which was also the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.


  • 150mL clove oil
  • 1 gram of THC concentrate (LA Chocolat Shatter, 81%)
  • 750mg CBD (10 droppers, 0.75mL per dropper, 100mg per mL)
  • rosemary oil
  • patchouli oil
  • frankincense oil
  • bay leaf


The clove oil has been soaking for maybe two months in a 200mL mason jar. I don’t remember when I set them to soak, and I didn’t write it down, but I’m sure it’s been two months or more.

I’ve scooped the cloves out of the oil with a fork and now it’s only 150mL of oil. (I put the oil soaked cloves into another jar to make more clove oil. [Edit 4/20/21: this was a bad idea. Next time I make clove oil I’ll use new cloves rather than used ones.]) I’ve crumbled the THC shatter into the mason jar and I’ve set that into a teacup of boiling water to gently heat the oil and melt the shatter. I’m occasionally taking it out and shaking it to speed it along, as well as occasionally replacing the water when it cools down.

I discovered that I can kill two birds with one stone by putting a bay leaf into the teacup.

Melting the shatter takes hours. It’s wise to do something else at the same time. I’m also making candles and researching the difference between witchcraft and mysticism as I do this. [Edit 4/20/21: in retrospect, the next time I do this, I’ll leave the shatter in the clove oil overnight.]

I’ve added 10 droppers of CBD. The droppers claim to be 1mL but they don’t fill all the way; I can only fill them up to about 0.75mL. I’ve added ten drops each of rosemary, patchouli, and frankincense oils, and then, because my oil pump is 200mL, I’ve topped it off with un-infused almond oil.



  • Soak sigils in holy oil before burning them to increase their power and ensure a clean burn
  • Anoint hands and/or candles before doing candle magic
  • Use as a massage oil for sex magic